Covid-19 Response Plan
Above policies are subject to change through the year, in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal law.
Policies adopted by a vote of the School Board on January 17, 2022, effective immediately.
For the 2021-2022 school year, we are implementing additional health and safety measures, in compliance with local, state, and federal law, including but not limited to:
Increased daily handwashing procedures;
Regular deep-cleaning of surfaces;
Self-checks for symptoms of illness, including at-home temperature checks;
Masking of adults and 4+ year old children, as required by law;
Gloves worn by staff and volunteers during potty training assistance and diaper changes;
Disposable changing table liners; and
Social distancing during check-in and check-out procedures.
Please note, our school closure and / or quarantine policy has changed for 2021-22. In the event of any positive or close contact cases, the school’s families will be notified via email and directions for further action, if any, will be provided. Meadowbrook Congregational Church, our landlords, will also be informed. Individuals will not be identified by name, for his / her privacy.
(A) If one child or recent adult volunteer tests positive for COVID-19:
S/he is asked to remain home from school for 5 days after positive test day (called Day 0). S/he can return to school on Day 6, wearing a close-fitting face mask, if s/he is symptom free and fever free for at least 24 hours.
A mask must be worn at school on Days 6-10. Children who are unable to wear a mask must remain home until Day 10, and symptoms (including fever) are resolved.
His / Her class will be informed, with the option to continue attendance.
(B) If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19, an appropriate substitute will be provided and in-person classes will continue. Isolation will follow guidelines in (A).
(C) In the event that a child or member of his / her household is a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case, please notify us, speak to your pediatrician, and:
Child is asked to remain home from school for 5 days from the date of exposure. The CDC recommends COVID-19 testing at least 5 days after close-contact. If there are no symptoms and a negative test result, s/he may return to school at that time, wearing a close-fitting mask for Days 6-10.
If the child develops symptoms of illness, isolate and get tested as soon as possible. If the child tests positive for COVID-19, follow guidelines above for quarantine and masking.
(D) For adult volunteers, follow the above protocol: keep your child home from school, do not come to school to volunteer, and contact your Classroom Scheduler to cover any expected absences from in-class volunteering as scheduled.
A partial tuition reimbursement will only be offered in the event that
The teacher is unable to provide Zoom learning, and
NCP is unable to provide an appropriate in-person substitute teacher.
No other tuition discounts will be offered for any other illness or situation as described in this document.